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Middle School

Family Centered Admission

所有入学的学生都必须完成以家庭为中心的录取流程.   我们有意提供一个双向的过程,以便未来的家庭和学生提供深思熟虑的信息,他们需要最好地了解我们的项目, philosophy, curriculum and community.  我们的目标是通过尽可能多地了解我们的学生,确保我们的学生在GA处于最好的位置,既快乐又成功, and by providing them the opportunity to learn about GA!

Admission Steps

Parent input, 学校信息和入学评估帮助我们了解每个申请人,我们使用这种主观和客观信息的结合来评估未来学生与我们项目之间的匹配.  录取决定是在仔细审查每个申请人的完整档案后做出的. 

Middle School Admission Process

6th Grade Applicants

Application and Questionnaire
Parent and Student

Family Information Meeting

Student Visit 
GA Classroom Visit & Student Interview

Teacher Recommendations
Current Math & English Teachers

School Records/Transcript
Most Recent and Past Grades

Admission Testing

7th Grade Applicants

Application and Questionnaire
Parent and Student

Family Information Meeting

Student Visit 
GA Classroom Visit & Student Interview

Teacher Recommendations
Current Math & English Teachers

School Records/Transcript
Most Recent and Past Grades

Admission Testing

8th Grade Applicants

Application and Questionnaire
Parent and Student

Family Information Meeting

Student Visit 
GA Classroom Visit & Student Interview

Teacher Recommendations
Current Math & English Teachers

School Records/Transcript
Most Recent and Past Grades

Admission Testing

APPLICATION - NEW FAMILIES: 要向GA提交申请,请从网上开始 INQUIRY form. 完成后,您将被要求创建一个密码保护帐户,以便加入我们的 Germantown Academy Admission Portal. 填妥申请表格,请递交以下表格:

  • Family Information
  • Applicant Information
  • Parent Questionnaire
  • Application Fee  


如果您忘记了德意志城学院入学门户的用户名或密码,请访问: Admission Portal Reset Login Page

APPLICATION - CURRENT GA FAMILIES: To submit an application to GA, please enter the Germantown Academy Admission Portal 通过您现有的家庭帐户,您将被提示 ADD NEW APPLICANT. 填妥申请表格,请递交以下表格:

  • Family Information
  • Applicant Information
  • Parent Questionnaire
  • Application Fee 


FAMILY INFORMATION MEETING: 在提交您的申请后,您将能够报名参加您的家庭信息会议. 

PARENT TOUR: We invite you to visit GA virtually using our VIRTUAL TOUR,在am@GA入学活动上,或者当你送孩子去学生参观时.  

STUDENT VISIT: 六年级申请者将有1天的时间到六年级参观,体验GA的中学.  An optional social visit to our 5th grade is available.  七年级和八年级的申请者将分别在六年级和七年级度过1天.  学生访问还包括学生面试和奥的斯·列侬评估.

TEACHER RECOMMENDATION: 我们需要两份老师推荐信:一份来自你孩子现在的老师 Math teacher and one from their current English/Language Arts teacher.  Families may submit one supplemental recommendation if they so choose; this is welcome but not required.

教师推荐信息在评估者和十大体育外围平台排名之间严格保密. 家长/监护人允许评估员填写此保密表格,并将其直接寄给评估员. Parents/Guardians will not have access to this information. 教师推荐信不会成为学生永久记录的一部分.

TRANSCRIPT: 我们需要每个中学申请人的当前和过去的学校记录.  这些信息有助于我们了解您孩子的学业成长和发展情况.  请记住,在我们获得最新成绩之前,申请是不完整的.

ADMISSION TESTING: Applicants to our Middle School must submit ONE of the following:

  •  ISEE or SSAT – to be scheduled by family

DECISIONS: 录取决定是根据孩子的最大利益做出的. 我们努力确保我们的申请人在GA同样成功和快乐. 我们的中学录取通知从12月开始,我们将继续填补空缺,直到我们的班级满员(请参阅 Admission Timeline).


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